
Just like other team activities, Cub Scouts and adult leaders wear uniforms during Scouting activities.

Cub Scout uniforms demonstrate membership in the group (everyone is dressed alike) and display individual achievement (Scout's badges and loops they’ve earned). Wearing the uniform to meetings and activities also encourages a neat appearance, a sense of belonging, and good behavior.

Scouts wear their Field uniforms (commonly called Class "A") to all pack and den Meetings unless told otherwise. Activity (Class "B") uniforms are used for less formal activities.

Class "A" Uniform

Class "B" Uniform


Check out the Official Cub Scout Uniform Guide for more information.

Where to Get Uniforms

New Class "A" uniform items:

Free/discounted "experienced" uniforms, handbooks, etc.:

Class "B" shirts can be purchased from the pack (in both youth and adult sizes).

Brag Vests

During their time in Cub Scouts, your child can earn a variety of patches in recognition of their accomplishments and commemorate the activities they participate in. Unfortunately, there isn't enough space on the Cub Scout uniform to show all of these at once. Brag vests are an optional, but fun, way for a Cub Scout to display those patches.